This issue of lecturing materials which include which include library, classroom which is one of the essential need of an institution. They also help in have a well groomed graduate for the nation. The problem associated with the lack of inadequate. The population used in this study is as followed students lecturers and librarians. The total number population is four hundred and forty-two (442) and which is a finite population. The sample which is determined after using the Taro Yamane formular which is we arrive to a sample size of two hundred and eighty (218) which is our sample size use in Data collection is the questionnaire method. This is where we distributed two hundred and eighteen questionnaire and collected. One hundred and forty (140). Which is in our chapter four. In the chapter five of this work we find out that they are: (i) Over crowding in the classroom. (ii) Government should fund the educational sector to give room to the availability of there required facilities. (iii) Motivation of both the student and the lectural by the school management.
Title page i
Approval ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
List of table x
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 4
1.3 Aim/objectives of the study 6
1.4 Scope of the study 7
1.5 Significance of the study 7
1.6 Research question 8
1.7 Limitations of the study 9
1.8 Overview of the study 10
Review of related literature 12
2.1 Concept f lecturing 12
2.2 Factors that affect lecturing in tertiary institutions 13
2.3 Lecturer approach to students 15
2.4 Causes of poor quality graduate in Nigeria by
David Udeme 17
2.5 Inadequate provision of study facilities by
the government 22
2.6 Instructional materials for lecturing 23
Research methodology 25
3.1 Research design 25
3.2 Brief history of institute of management and
technology (IMT) Enugu 26
3.3 Population of the study 31
3.4 Sample size and sampling technique 31
3.5 Sources of data 32
3.6 Instrument for data collection 33
3.7 Method of data presentation and analysis 33
Data presentation and analysis 34
5.0 Findings, recommendation and conclusion 42
5.2 Discussion of findings 42
5.3 Recommendation 44
5.4 Conclusion 46
References 47
Table 4.1: Effect of crowding to the lecturing
and studying in tertiary institution 34
Table 4.2 Inadequate classrooms obstacle to
learning and lecturing 35
Table 4.3: Lecturers approach to students 36
Table 4.4: Inadequate provision of study facilities
by the government 37
Table 4.5: Intuitional material for lecturing and study 39
Table 4.6: Courses of poor quality graduate in Nigeria 40
Estate management is a discipline interdicted in Nigeria by professor Emeritus Umeh J.A. in the year 1962, whose primary objectives is to teach and possible transfer his wealth of knowledge and skills on the profession to the younger generation.
Over the years, it is a very and recommendable fact that the profession is on it’s ascendancy as there are many universities and polytechnics in Nigeria that offer programmes in Estate management leading to qualification as an Estate surveyor and value.
The Nigeria Institution of Estate surveyors and valuers (NIESV) in Nigeria approved accredited twenty-five (25) institution of higher learning for the training of Estate surveyors and valuers (NIESV Enugu State directory, 2010).
Thus, it is once again a very and recommendable fact that the profession is on it’s ascending (making progress) Estate management department was introduced and accreditated in institute of management and technology Enugu in the year 2001, though with few students and very few lecturers. The progression has several branches of specialization, ranging from property facilities management and land administration property valuation, planning and development project consultancy, Estate Agency and property conditions survey and inventory to mention but a few.
Having a whole knowledge/skills of these specialization or services does not just come by more research on the subject matters.
Unlike other department in higher institution of learning, inadequate lecturing and studying material textbook has contributed to the set back of the student in carrying out research and also to the poor performance of the scholar, and graduates to changes encountered in their filled of study.
Estate management department IMT Enugu is facing the problem of insufficient lecturing and studying material text books, this is due to the low number of department lecturers and lack of qualitative libeary, most lecturers are not perments lecturers and therefore the time they spent with the study are always very short as they are engaged with other activities outsides the school and stud funds. It difficult to ask them questions or subjection concerning the subjects matters and when one lectuers isteaching two or more different courses to three different department of levels he/she must not be accurate in those courses and there by making the teaching complicated for him and the students. Which lends to the poor performance of the students. Also the department is lacking there contemporary method of teaching and learning tools and equipment such as computers, laptops, internet and modern library, where the student and the lecturer can assess most information they need, the library need to be constructed in a place it can be easily assessed by the student and the lecturers and should be equipped with current textbooks for the student to be updated.
It is important to know that since the food is to the body so as studying and lecturing material textbooks is to the knowledge and lack of inadequate lecturing and studying material/textbook will contribute to incompetence and unqualify graduates of Estate surveyor and valuers which will effect the profession and the society at large.
In Nigeria, students in polytechnics and universities are faced with numerous challenges of which not adequate lecturing and studying mnaterials or tools is one of the major problems. Among the higher, institutions, institute of management and technology is not an exceptional. There have been a lot of misconception about if the lecturers are the only causes of students not doing well in their examinations. For instance, not having adequate lectuersr in the department who will have enough time to spend with the student and attend to their question and suggestion for the smooth running of the courses will have an effect on the student as they always have a basics mind about the course, also the problem of one lecturer teaching two or more different course/subject to three or more different department or levels causes the poor performance of both the lecturers and students, ash he/she must not be professional in those areas.
The study focuses more on lack of modern textbook, journals and other studying materials such as computers and laptops. Internets and GIS which plays an important role in aching accuracy and efficiency in the study machanizm of the student. All these mentioned contemporary method of teaching and learning tools and equipment has to be put in a palace where it canbe easily assessable and affordable by both the student and the lecturers.
The use of outdated materials in the department is a problem that set back the from facing their follow student from other schools where contemporary method are used.
All these enumerated problem that are facing the department have all effect on the professional practice of the Estate management in the country as it often result in production of unqualified professional who founds difficult to fit in when they are in practice hence allowing the quacks to come in and take over the profession.
The aim of the study is to critically examine the problems of inadequate lecturing and study material/textbook is Estate management department, institute of management and technology Enugu.
The following are the objectives
1) To examine the factors responsible for the inadequate lecturing and studying materials in Estate management
2) To identify and analyze the teaching and learning system in Estate management department
3) To find out the consequence of inadequate lecturing and studying material to the further generation.
4) To strengthen the reading culture of the student.
This research work is limited to the institution of management and technology (IMT) Enugu and it is centered on the inadequate lecturing and studying material/textbook in Estate management department IMT Enugu, although some information was gathered form other area such as Enugu state college of education technical. But due to time limit of this work the research could not visit other places.
This study intends to bring to the fore, the importance of contemporary methods of teaching and learning of the student of various institution of higher learning offencing course in Estate management as well as to other researchers on same related, topics. This work will serve as a reference point to the department future student government school authority, non-governmental organization and individuals who will find it essential in realizing the importance of reading standing efficiency and accuracy in development of Estate management in country. It is also of great benefit to the researchers who will be carrying out research on the improvement of the reading culture of students it is also important to the practicing professing of Estate management and as they will always up grade and obtain a current information on the areas of their study and to help than to compete while facing the challenges in the field.
1) What are the factors responsible for the inadequate studying material in Estate management?
2) How effective and efficient is the teaching and learning system in Estate management?
3) What is the effect of inadequate lecturing and studying material on students in the department?
4) How do we strengthen the reading culture of the students?
There were lack of adequate finance inc conducting this research, in the sense that being a student without any flow of cash or any way that income is being gained to use in collecting some data. The time given to conduct this study is limited in a way that there are many other class activities like, assignment and other lecturer are also expected to teach his or her course.
Most especially the time given for this research is just one month. But the main limitation of this study was in the administration of questionnaire administrating the questionnaire was like an infringement on the respondents time. As a result of getting the respondent to settle down to respond to the questionnaire was consuming and required a lot of patience.
However, the researcher through applying more effort and sheer determination was able to present the work in an acceptable standard.
This research is presented in five (5) chapters; chapter one (1): contains the introduction with background of the study, statement of problem, Aim/Objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitations of the study, definition of major concepts and overview of the study. Chapter two (2): contains review of related literature, history and development of Estate management programme in Nigeria, History and development of Estate management prgramme in Nigeria, Histoical development of studying material/textbook, definition of studying materials/textbook, types & forms of studying material/tools and effect of inadequate studying material or tool
Chapter three (3): Deal with Research methodology; Research Design, Re-statement of the problem, Area of study, population of the study, sample size and its determination, sources of Data, Tools for Data collections,, tools for data analysis
Chapter four (4): Presentation and Analysis of Data.
Chapter five (5) summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.
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